搜索每日/每週品牌促銷活動。 尋找咖啡,您會找到咖啡優惠。尋找陽光,你會 尋找陽光等等,盡在您當地的社區!
按視圖 按鈕 你會得到關於所提供的東西的描述和 購買的選項。
簡單的文字: freehotfindz
至 0439 18 18 18
輸入你的手機號碼, 名字和姓氏和遊戲!
它是免費玩的,與 沒有噱頭, 也沒有煩人的調查。
搜索每日/每週品牌促銷活動。 尋找咖啡,您會找到咖啡優惠。尋找陽光,你會 尋找陽光等等,盡在您當地的社區!
按視圖 按鈕 你會得到關於所提供的東西的描述和 購買的選項。
簡單的文字: freehotfindz
至 0439 18 18 18
輸入你的手機號碼, 名字和姓氏和遊戲!
它是免費玩的,與 沒有噱頭, 也沒有煩人的調查。
從來沒有 更實惠 打造更強,更具彈性 企業
和社區 的客戶。
從來沒有 更實惠 打造更強,更具彈性 企業
和社區 的客戶。
Hotfindz 營銷門戶可以幫助您
Hotfindz 營銷門戶可以幫助您
期限 12 個月
Put your business in the palm
of every potential customer.
Build your own digital Digital Data Base.
Create your digital Deals and Promotions in minutes.
Then send them to your clients via “Push Notifications”, SMS in your brand, Email in your Brand or create a digital social media link directly to your promotion.
Starting from around $1.77 per day GST Inc. you now have control over your business marketing.
Remember your money comes to you directly to your PayPal or Stripe account, you are in total control.
Join HotFindz
For a limited time Free "On-boarding"
and only $49.00, + gst per month and we will build your first 2 Promotions
in the HotFindz App for Free
See T's & C's in Join Now Doc
Download the HotFindz App Now
Join the HotFindz World!
Make customer acquisition, retention, and engagement effortless.
HotFindz offers a revolutionary, easy-to-use, fully customised marketing platform with digital and marketing communications that creates customer experiences as unique as your brand.
Your package includes:
Advertising on the HotFindz Community App or using the platform to manage all your marketing to track what is working and what is not.
Engagement: Swipe & Win Games, Spin & Win Games, Campaigns & Promotions to engage customers. Download the App to Play. Build Games and Promotions in minutes and send them to all your data or the selected groups you are targeting. Augmented Reality Engagement Coming Soon.
Communication: App Push Notifications/ Email / SMS / Generated Social Media Links/ Unlimited QR Code Marketing
Applications: Full functionality through the HotFindz (HotFindz) Native apps...Apple & Android digital Applications, you have total control of your business services and products through the HotFindz application. Your business management Enterprise Platform and Your In-House Team Platform
Target Marketing: Gender / Demographics. You decide what information is important to your business.
Secure Data: Know your customers and track your promotions and media with the confidence your data is stored and protected through the HotFindz Enterprise with AWS.
Live Mapping: Pointing customers to their desired store locations Locally and Globally
Geo Tracking: Know where your customers are located and target them with permission-based promotions and offers at a time that suits your business. You are in total control.
Loyalty: Each business can use the digital loyalty card for their Members to receive great loyalty gifts and prizes. No more punch cards and total transparency on which members are engaging. When building the promotion, the business selects how many purchases are required to receive the bonus.
Surveys: Feedback / Mystery Shopper. Standard engagement and pictorially interactive surveys.
Ready to get started? It's time to supercharge your business
Marketing as easy as 1-2-3
Included in Platform, Push Notifications, Your Branded Emails, Branded SMS and Social Media Links
創建您自己的自助服務儀表板 並管理與客戶的互動,如果您沒有時間自己動手,我們 HotFindz 經驗豐富的創意團隊可以做到 只需支付少量額外費用即可滿足您的所有需求。
促銷活動將通過 Apple 和 Android 應用程序查看。
Examples of in-store, counter, window or table Posters A3, 4 or 5
如果沒有 HotFindz 營銷平台,您的企業能否承受得起,並記住從每天約 2.20 美元起,每位新會員對您的企業價值多少?